Thursday, February 5, 2015

Wherefore, wifi? And discovering empathy

I am beginning to seriously question whether we are meant to have wifi in our place or not. I definitely do not mind the excuse to come to the lovely coffee shop, Halperin's, but I know the kids and the fam back home would like to communicate on a more regular basis. Let's get this taken care of already!

I decided next week I will go and investigate a place called Sally Gap that takes you up and through a central part of the mountains. It seems like a wild place that Sophia and Saul may have traversed though, so that makes it a definite trip for me.

I also have been kindly given a few local contacts by another mom at the school and I will begin to reach out to people next week as well. I'm surprised it's taken me this long to feel comfortable enough to start calling up and emailing people over here to discuss my book. I would assume finally getting settled in our home has a lot to do with it, but it is certainly interesting that I have been here over a month now and have not set up anything official yet. I haven't even set foot in a library! Don't mistake my surprise for anxiety or worry at this point, however. I'm fully comfortable in trusting that the cadence of this research is in perfect rhythm with my writing process.

Speaking of writing, I have good news! Tuesday morning Sophia and Tristan made up, and did so beautifully. As soon as I finished writing their conversation, it was remarkably obvious to me why they had to get in the fight in the first place. It was a good reminder that even when things seem to be going in a rocky direction with a friend, sometimes the rocks are exactly what we need to break through walls within ourselves that keep us from seeing others with empathy and trying to understand another's perspective. We need to remember we have the power to be empathetic of others, whether we fully understand or agree with their decisions. Boy, I love these characters!

 In a week, the kids get a week off school and I want to find some places to take them around the country. A few day trips and maybe one overnight, depending on how far we want to go from home base. The kids and I will probably go check out Clew Bay over in County Clare during their break because it is the location where Grania O'Malley, the famed Pirate Queen, lived. We had a great interest in her (still do) about a year ago and her story was the chosen bedtime story for many a night. I was pleasantly surprised when my daughter, talking to her pottery teacher when I mentioned trying to check out that area, rattled off the most informative facts about Grania's life. It must have sunk in!

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